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Historical Bases of Hereditics:
Series of comments on mitochondrial replace therapy, stemcell and CRISPR for human reproduction
Quoted from ivf.net
Ke-Hui Cui M.D., Ph.D.
Savannah, Georgia, 31405, U.S.A.
Translated on January 1, 2021
Email: khcui72@hereditics.net
“Pregnancy derived from human nuclear transfer” (performed by Dr. John Zhang, Dr. Jamie Grifo, etc. in GuangZhou, China) was reported on Oct. 14, 2003, which led to 2 (or up to 5) stillbirths without any live birth in 11 IVF cycle treatment [Zhang, et al. 2003]. “Dr. Grifo said that regulations imposed by the Food and Drug Administration in 2001 made it too difficult to continue the research in the United States” [Grady, 2003]. The event of “Pregnancy derived from human nuclear transfer” caused people and governments’ concern. “In China, it was recently banned” [Grady, 2003]. The regulation set up by the Department of Health in China was published in GuangZhou Daily on Nov. 15, 2003 [Xie, 2003]. The "ban" regulation covered not only nuclear transfer for human reproduction, but also covered all kinds of techniques for subhuman reproduction including ban of gene manipulation of gametes, zygote and embryos. In 2019, Dr. He JianKui obviously and boldly infringed the regulation in China, which regulation was enacted in 2003. Dr. He produced two babies using CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing on embryos also in GuangDong province. He was sentenced three years in jail and imposed a 3 million yuan (US$430,000) fine. Two embryologists were also sentenced [Foong, 2020]. Is the financial fine on Dr. He enough to cover the expense of the two disable CRISPR children in all life? Absolutely not possible.
Some parts of the “Regulation” related to ban of subhuman reproduction are translated as following:
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<<The regulation of assistant techniques in human reproduction>> “ban ooplasm transfer and nuclear transfer techniques to be used for the aim to treat infertility; ban human and non-human species gamete cross fertilization; ban human to be transferred with non-human species gamete (sperm and oocyte), zygote (fertilized oocyte) and embryo, ban non-human species to be transferred with human gamete (sperm and oocyte), zygote (fertilized oocyte) and embryo; ban gene manipulation on human gamete (sperm and oocyte), zygote (fertilized oocyte) and embryo for the aim of human reproduction; ban performing sperm and oocyte fertilization in the close relatives (means relatives in three generations); the gamete and zygote should be derived from the same unique male and the same unique female in the same unique treatment cycle; ban performing chimera embryonic test and research in human; ban cloning in human reproduction, … etc.”
Subhuman reproduction means that using reproductive assistant techniques for the aim of treat human infertility or genetic diseases; however, the said techniques produce offspring suffered with artificial hereditary syndrome, such as MRT syndrome, embryo biopsy syndrome (EB syndrome) or embryonic Laser radiation syndrome), CRISPR syndrome, stem cell gamete syndrome (SCG syndrome), … etc. Subhuman beings are disabled human beings. They are born with inferior tissue and organ function due to the abused reproductive assistant techniques. Usually, these syndrome are associated with mental retardation, different neuropathy and immune problems, or heart problem, etc. The artificial hereditary syndrome produced by subhuman reproduction is not easy to be diagnosed. The diagnosis mainly depends on the history of MRT, embryo biopsy, CRISPR, stem cell gamete culture or laser radiation on the gametes, zygotes and embryos. It is not possible to be cured or to stop its abnormal hereditary characteristics forever [Cui, 2019].
It is obvious that both US and China government do not wish their people to have offspring to be subhuman beings . While subhuman reproduction (such as preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy) in US is producing many mental retardation babies every day, and US government will pay billions dollars from GDP and people’s income tax to support those people with mental retardation. The country will be ruined by the popularized artificial hereditary syndrome. That was why U.S. Congress issued "Personhood Concern" to ASRM related to PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy) in March, 2019 [Cui, 2019]. The regulation published by Chinese government is a good model for other countries to ban subhuman reproduction.
Cui, K. H. Letter to FDA, CDC and ASRM in 2019.
Foong, P. The aftermath of the He JianKui fiasco: China’s response. Progress Educational Trust. Feb. 3, 2020.
Grady, D. For first time in humans, fertility treatment succeeds, Doctors in China have successfully made an infertile woman pregnant. New York Times Oct. 15, 2003.
Xie, Q. S. <<Regulation of assistant techniques in human reproduction>> by the Department of Health in China. GuangZhou Daily, Oct. 15, 2003. http://www.dayoo.com.
Zhang, J., Zhuang, G. L., Zeng, Y., Acosta, C., Shu, Y. M., Grifo, J. Pregnancy derived from human nuclear transfer. Fert Steril. 2003, 80: Supplement 3, Page 56. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0015-0282(03)01953-8.