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Ke-Hui Cui M.D., Ph.D.
Savannah, Georgia, 31405, U.S.A.
June 15, 2021
Email: khcui72@hereditics.net
How laser is scattered in embryo biopsy may be tested with a simple laser shooting under a microscope. The facts are showed in the following photos:
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Photo 1: Before laser shooting (- inked and dust surface on a culture dish as a control photo).
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100 micrometer
Focus aimed point and many scattered tiny burnt points arround the focus point.
Many tiny burnt and bright points also scattered in no inked dust area.
Photo 2: After laser shooting (- inked and dust surface on a culture dish). LYKOS Clinical Laser is the best focusing laser system in the world due to the shortest distance from laser emitting point to the focusing object. It was used in this experiment. Power: 100%, Pulse: 140 microsecond. Only one laser shooting was performed. During laser shooting, vapor of burning ink (charcoal powder) and dust could be obviously seen under the microscope (witnessed). The burnt bright points were scattered over 100 micrometer distance from the target point even using the lowest shooting power.
The scattered laser beam did not contain enough energy to burn any point in the thick charcoal layer by 140 microsecond pulse.

This was the photo quoted from Instruction Manual of LYKOS Clinical Laser created by Hamilton Thorne. A lot of scattered burnt bright points could be seen in all of the background after laser shooting. It might be produced by much longer time of the pulse in laser shooting or by multiple times of shooting.
Why does laser scatter and harm human embryos?
The answer is refraction of different materials and Epicytohetics.
Laser is the only effective tool for trophectoderm biopsy. Laser is a kind of electromagnetic radiation. The major laser systems used in Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) are: “Saturn”, “OCTAX” and “LYKOS” or “ZILOS” systems with infrared “class 1” laser (1480 or 1460 nm wavelength). “Class 1” (according to international IEC 60825) is: “the light is contained in an enclosure, which will not directly radiate to our eyes”. However, the laser was mistakenly designed to point toward the human embryos. While facing laser, both our retinas and human embryos are vulnerable. The microtubules, actin, and other cell organelles in our human embryo cells and retina cells are harmed [Laband, et al., 2017; Moore, et al., 2009]. The damage by laser in embryos is latent, which usually cannot be detected within 24 hours [Licciardi, et al., 1995; Uppangala, et al., 2016]. This kind of damage (such as the harm to microtubules) cannot be repaired, and will be inherited by future generations [Cui, 2019; Livshits, et al., 2017]. Many studies confirmed the safety of laser biopsy, and showed better results comparing with acid biopsy [Chatzimeletiou, et al., 2005; Veiga, et al., 1997; Geber, et al., 2011]. However, laser biopsy did cause visible and detrimental effects on embryonic and fetal development [Laband, et al. 2017; Licciardi, et al., 1995].
In the air, laser light moves straight in long distance (refractive index: air: 1.00). However, during embryo biopsy, the laser light does not move straight. It first arrives at the mirror. It reflects and passes through the magnifying glass of the objective lens, the heating glass plate, the plastic dish, the medium and embryo zona. All of these objects contain different refractive index (water: 1.33; glass: 1.52; polystyrene dish: 1.6, etc.) and will produce high laser diffusion. After laser biopsy, people cannot directly observe any harm to the embryonic microtubules, or centrosome, or DNA under general microscope [Chatzimeletiou, et al., 2005] but the burnt and broken microtubules are obviously observed under electron tomography [Laband, et al. 2017]. Laser diffusion can be severe during biopsy. A simple example: The heating glass on the microscope is composed of tin dioxide which contains high refractive index. More than 20% laser light will be refracted by countless tiny tin dioxide “mirrors” to any direction, to all cells of the embryos and the manipulators’ eyes. In assisted hatching, fragmentation observed in the embryos was random and did not specifically originate from the blastomere adjacent to the site of laser [Uppangala, et al., 2016]. It showed that the laser is an invisible microtubule and centrosome cutting scattergun in embryo biopsy [Laband, et al. 2017].
In insects and animals, lasers have shown very harmful effects. In a Drosophila experiment, embryos were radiated by laser and, while the doses did not eliminate nuclei or cells, up to 50% of adults from those embryos had defects in the thorax [Lohs-Schardin, et al., 1979]. In a zebrafish experiment, lasers produced centrosome disruption, which inhibited peripheral neural axon outgrowth. Some neurons had either no peripheral axon or short axons. Some of the cells also displayed ectopic protrusions of the axons from the nerve cell body [Andersen and Halloran 2012]. It confirmed that laser radiation can harm neuron differentiation, which can ultimately affect brain function. In mice, laser use was associated with increased DNA damage in embryos [Honguntikar, et al., 2015]. In other studies, many laser-exposed embryos exhibited morphologic aberrations such as isolated blastomere arrest and embryo growth delay; a significant decrease in fetal development [Licciardi, et al., 1995]; and significantly fewer cell numbers in completely hatched blastocysts compared to the control group [Honguntikar, et al., 2015; Chailert, et al., 2013]. When biopsy with laser, one group of mice pups were born with heavier hearts and another group with lighter kidneys. The laser radiation is harmful to the organ differentiation and pup health [Sepulveda-Rincon, et al., 2017].
In humans, embryo biopsy using laser also shows harmful effects: Laser-biopsied human embryos reached subsequent embryonic stages at significantly later time-points, which hindered the hatching [Kirkegaard, et al., 2012]. There was also a significantly lower mean number of nuclei in the laser-biopsied embryos on day 6 compared with the control group [Chatzimeletiou, et al., 2005]. Experiments performed in our laboratory and Vitrolife Company showed scary results: After blastocyst biopsy with laser cutting, freezing and thawing, sometimes all of the thawed blastocyst cells in some blastocysts were scattered singly on the culture dish without any cell to cell connection. This finding confirmed that laser harmed every cell (including the inner cell mass) in the blastocysts despite no observed signs of damage during biopsy or before freezing.
Embryo biopsy with laser has produced Embryo Biopsy Syndrome in human babies. The reason was explained in the paper "Epicytohetics: preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy is not safe".
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