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Historical Bases of Hereditics:
Series of comments on mitochondrial replace therapy, stemcell and CRISPR for human reproduction
Quoted from ivf.net
Ke-Hui Cui M.D., Ph.D.
Savannah, Georgia, 31405, U.S.A.
January 5, 2021
Email: khcui72@hereditics.net
* A copy of this letter was mailed to the Department of Health, China on Aug. 1, 2003.
Letter to FDA in 1999, "Not suitability of ooplasm transfer", was published online by FDA as a docket of FDA since FDA received the letter. The docket has played a role in regulations imposed by the Food and Drug Administration in 2001, which made it difficult to continue MRT research in the United States [Grady, 2003]. The letter also played a promotion role in preparation of the regulation which set up by the Department of Health in China. The regulation was published in GuangZhou Daily on Nov. 15, 2003. The letter was the first call for the aim of BAN SUBHUMAN REPRODUCTION. It is dangerous and not appropriate to change human being. Hereditics was published online in 2020 as an education material for scientists and people to understand: to get a clever and healthy child, NATURAL IS BETTER THAN ARTIFICIAL. To change human hereditary materials (DNA or cytoplasm) by solving the simple problem of infertility will generate artificial subhuman offspring forever. In October, 2020, Dr. Jamie Metzl presented a special and exciting talk about "Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity" at the meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine as a fiction: to change human beings as a new species by CRISPR and stem cell germline techniques. The facts showed that it is not a fiction anymore. Many subhuman children have been born by ooplasm transfer, MRT, PGS and CRISPR techniques accompanying with MRT syndrome, embryo biopsy syndrome, laser radiation syndrome and CRISPR syndrome, etc. according to Epicytohetics [Cui, 2020]. These syndromes are hereditary and artificially created. The challenge of changing the quality of our human beings is obvious not only by environmental factors and unhealthy farm products, but also by the techniques of subhuman reproduction. It is time to understand that those inappropriate manipulation techniques on human gamete, zygote and embryo will not produce super or normal human beings but subhuman beings - disabled human beings. The reason is: Cytohetics, Epicytohetics, Genetics and Epigenetics, especially Epicytohetics.
Republish the letter to FDA on this website will be convenient for people to find the historical docket quicker.
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Grady, D. For first time in humans, fertility treatment succeeds, Doctors in China have successfully made an infertile woman pregnant. New York Times Oct. 15, 2003.