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Historical Bases of Hereditics:
Series of comments on mitochondrial replace therapy, stemcell and CRISPR for human reproduction. Quoted from ivf.net
Words and definition:
Heredity (in lay language): the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically and cytoplasmically from one generation to another.
Heredity: also called inheritance or biological inheritance, is the passing on of traits from parents to their offspring; either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction, the offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic and cytoplasmic information of their parents. Through heredity, minor variations between individuals can accumulate and cause species to evolve by natural selection. The study of heredity in biology is Hereditics. There are four components of human heredity: DNA (hereditary message), Cell structure, cell division and differentiation.
Cell heredity: the passing on genetic and cytoplasmic materials from one cell to another offspring cell by cell division. Cell heredity is bases of generation heredity.
Hereditary: adjective of heredity.
Hereditics: (Here'dity + ics) a complete study of heredity in Biology, an academic subject. Chinese: 遗传学. In lay language, Hereditics is the study of heredity of the whole egg, as the whole egg produces chicken and offspring. Hereditics includes Genetics, Cytohetics, Epigenetics and Epicytohetics.
Hereditic: adjective of hereditics, i.e. adjective of the study of heredity.
Genetics: the study of genes and DNA, most of Genetics are related to heredity. Some of Genetics (such as Genetics for virus and Genetics for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, i.e. PGT-A) are not related to heredity, i.e. are lack of characteristics of heredity. Genetics in Chinese: 基因遗传学. In lay language, Genetics is the study of heredity of the egg yolk.
Genetic: adjective of Genetics.
Cytohetics (Cytoplasmic 'hereditics - an academic subject)—the study of cytoplasmic heredity. In lay language, Cytohetics is the study of heredity of the egg white.
Cytohetic: adjective of Cytohetics.
Cell Differentiatics—the study of embryonic cell differentiation, i.e. how embryonic cells develop into different organs and tissues, which includes Epigenetics and Epicytohetics.
Epigenetics—the study of the expression of genes, i.e. how genome and its genes develop into different organs and tissues. (In lay language, Epigenetics is how the egg yolk differentiates into different tissues and organs, i.e. differentiates into its genotype).
Epicytohetics—the study of the expression of the cytoplasm, i.e. how cytoplasm develops into different organs and tissues. (In lay language, Epicytohetics is how the egg cytoplasm (egg white) differentiates into different tissues and organs, i.e. differentiates into its cytotype).
Phenotype: is a combination of both genotype and cytotype. (In lay language, phenotype is how both egg yolk and egg white together differentiate into different tissues and organs). Phenotype shows a set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism. The term covers the organism's morphology or physical form and structure, its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and the products of behavior.
Hereditary (or hereditic) diseases: include genetic diseases and cytohetic diseases.
Genetic diseases: include gene(s) mutation and chromosomal abnormalities.
Cytohetic diseases are cytoplasmic hereditic diseases: include all kinds of diseases produced by abnormalities of cytoplasm. They may be produced artificially or environmentally, such as mitochondrial replacement therapy syndrome (MRT syndrome), embryo biopsy syndrome (EB syndrome), some of CRISPR syndrome, some of Autism, etc.