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Historical Bases of Hereditics:
Series of comments on mitochondrial replace therapy, stemcell and CRISPR for human reproduction. Quoted from ivf.net

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What is a complete hereditary material?
When an egg is opened, the yolk and egg white are present. Which contains the hereditary material? Some people may say: “The yolk”. The simple reason is: Genetics confirmed that DNA and genome are mainly in the yolk. Other people may guess: “The whole egg?” The correct answer is "the whole egg". Both egg yolk and egg white are hereditary material.
What is a complete study of heredity?
A complete study of heredity should include the study of heredity of both genome and cytoplasm. That is Hereditics rather than Genetics. The reason is described as the following:
Recent two facts in the field of reproductive medicine confirmed that Genetics is not absolutely related to heredity in some condition. First fact: many diagnosed "aneuploid" or "mosaic" embryos by preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A) were transferred and produced babies with normal karyotyping. It confirmed that the said diagnosed aneuploid cells (genome or DNA) did not have hereditary characteristics. Second fact: many babies born with a history of ooplasm transfer (MRT) (which did not touch or change oocyte genome) showed many neuropathy and immune problems. It confirmed that the heredity change may happen in the condition not related genome but solely related to cytoplasm transfer. Thus cytoplasm is also closely related to heredity, i.e. related to hereditary phenotype.
Both genes and cytoplasm are hereditary materials, which leading to the following concepts:
Hereditics (Hered'ity + ics - an academic subject) —the complete study of heredity, i.e. the study of heredity of the whole egg (in lay language), as the whole egg produces offspring. Hereditics includes Genetics, Cytohetics, Epigenetics and Epicytohetics.
Genetics—the study of genes and DNA, i.e. the study of heredity of the egg nucleus (in lay language).
Cytohetics (Cytoplasmic h'ereditics - an academic subject)—the study of cytoplasmic heredity, i.e. the study of heredity of the egg cytoplasm (in lay language).
Epigenetics—the study of the expression of genes, i.e. how the genome and its genes develop into different organs and tissues. (That is: how cell differentiation from the genome to develop to be its genotype).
Epicytohetics—the study of the expression of the cytoplasm, i.e. how the cytoplasm develops into different organs and tissues. (That is: how cell differentiation from the egg cytoplasm to develop to be its cytotype). The combination of both genotype and cytotype is called phenotype.
Cell Differentiatics—the study of embryonic cell differentiation, i.e. how embryonic cells develop into different organs and tissues, which includes Epigenetics and Epicytohetics.
The three new concepts (Hereditics, Cytohetics and Epicytohetics) were set up at the end of 2016 according to near 10,000 related papers searched mainly by Pubmed. The three concepts were confirmed with a lot of facts. These facts were outlined in detail in the paper "Hereditics and origin of life" including how cytoplasm contains hereditary characteristics.
The contents in this website "https://www.hereditics.net" are originated from a series of comments on mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) since 1999. Most of the comments in 2016 to 2017 are quoted from ivf.net and located in the left column of the webpage as references. Newer and important webpages are located in the right column of the webpage. When click any red or blue content, it will hyperlink to related webpage. All contents of this website are condensed in the paper "Control of Overpopulation and Prohibition of Subhuman Reproduction". Hereditics is a crystal of plenty of people's positive work (such as checkpoint and licensing system and RNA world) and negative work (such as MRT and PGT-A) in the field of life science in last thirty years.
New Key Contents of Hereditics:
1. Cytohetics: Heredity control system in human is cell cycle checkpoint and licensing system in the cytoplasm of every cell. The Reason: Without Cell Division, Without Heredity. What Controls Cell Division, Controls Heredity.
2. Four components of human heredity: DNA (hereditary message), Cell structure (heredity control system), cell division and differentiation. Two cmponents of human Genetics: first: DNA and genes (hereditary message), and second: biological trait (patient's family history).
3. Genetic hereditary diseases are not the unique defects of DNA, but the concurrent defects of both DNA and the heredity control system (checkpoint and licensing system).
4. Epicytohetics: cytoplasm of human oocyte or/and embryonic cells are future nerve fiber, muscle, heart, immune system, sperm tail, other tissues and organs in our children after cell differentiation. Any harm to the cytoplasm of human oocyte or embryonic cells today (such as MRT, laser scattered in embryo biopsy) will lead to future abnormal function of nerve fiber, muscle, heart, immune system, sperm tail, other tissues and organs in our children (with new artificial hereditary syndrome). This is not related to any genetic status, not related to genotype (DNA or genes), but related to cytotype (i.e. cytoplasm only). MRT syndrome and EB syndrome (Embryo Biopsy Syndrome) showed that the cytoplasmic damage contains cell to cell heredity from embryo up to adulthood, thus the syndromes also contains generation to generation heredity. These syndromes are cytoplasmic hereditary diseases (short as Cytohetic diseases) which is different from genetic hereditary diseases. Thus to ban subhuman reproduction in China, U.S., U.K. and in the world is reasonable for people's health. Accountability, diagnoses and treatment of man-made cytohetic diseases (such as MRT syndrome and embryo biopsy syndrome, etc.) are new subjects of Hereditics.
5. A specific species is not only decided by its specific species genome (or DNA, genes), but also decided by its specific species cytoplasm.
6. Main reason of environment change is closely related to overpopulation of human beings. Overpopulation also exhausts all kinds of ores and resources. And environmental change first time threatens human living and hereditary condition (such as significantly lowering quality and quantity of human germ cells) in our earth, and overpopulation becomes to be the first contradiction in our world. Thus control overpopulation correctly is desperate in our earth.
To confirm that cytoplasm is hereditary materials, it needs a lot of facts and scientific research results. It also needs to chase step by step to the origin of heredity, i.e. the origin of life (RNA and cell membrane), which confirmed that the origin of heredity was not DNA but RNA and cell membrane. The history of life is a history of circles of evolution, natural selection, and heredity, which created all kinds of species of life in the world. Evolution is the relative change in heredity. Heredity is based on relatively stable genes and cell structures. Stability of heredity leads to the stability of species. According to history of evolution and recent developments in science, it is obvious that genes and DNA are the “software” and cytoplasm and cytoskeletons are the “hardware” of heredity. The common understanding in most people is that only an intact whole egg (“yolk” and “white” together) may pass on heredity to the next generation. Damage of the said hereditary materials leads to damage of the stability of the said species. The stability of a good external environment and internal cellular environment may increase the stability of heredity, and may lower the variation of evolution and natural selection.
The elucidation of how the cytoplasm is related to heredity, differentiation, and evolution, leads to several cardinal concepts: Hereditics, Cytohetics and Epicytohetics. Research in the field of Hereditics, Cytohetics and Epicytohetics accompanying with Genetics and Epigenetics may be very helpful for the research of organ and tissue development and evolution, cancer, many neuropathic diseases, immune diseases, and other system and organ diseases. Research of Hereditics will also allow understanding of new concepts in physiology, pathology, biology, stem cell research and many fields of life science.
Anyone is welcome to join this Hereditics Forum with heated discussion and further research. Please send your email to khcui72@hereditics.net about your important opinion, your true name, email address and working unit for forum publication. It will be a good preparation for an establishment of new journal of Hereditics in future.
6/15/2023: Embryonic Genetics is not equal to Afterbirth Genetics.
7/25/2023: Cytohetics solved problems of central dogma of molecular biology.
8/25/2023: Hereditic Morphology of Human Embryology.
10/22/2023: How to perform diagnoses of cytohetic diseases?
11/23/2024: Common sense of heredity: Hereditics, questions and answers.

Webinar: Why PGT-a hypothesis is wrong - explained by Hereditics. About 20 minutes. Organized by Ovarian Club Asia in HongKong Dec. 11, 2022

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